#MLS@110 Mt. Kenya Hike Challenge
The Devil is a liar and a cheat. This week I have hardly done any workouts. Zero energy! Waking up at hours that would give my dear rested mother a heart attack. I mean saa moja when the sun is up and hot.
Maybe I am meant to suffer at Vuria Hills. We shall see.
I have been on Eva Odongo and Esther Haddassa’s case to pen and share their Kombani Hike war memoirs before the next hike. We are still waiting.
So Kombani means a Bushbaby in Kiswahili. So the forest of Bushbabies perhaps the years of yore. The name is meant to evoke memories of gentle African Bush Panda Teddy Bears. Wrong!
Kombani was a test of endurance.
Brother forgot brother and what started as a team work morphed into a solo test of endurance.
A few hours into the hike, the pain and aches brought out my true age.
The Musa by Choice Hearse that followed us with flashing hazard lights didn’t help much. It reminded me of Ambulance chasers …. love them or hate them they either give you work or they create the work you defend.
I had to talk to my self into finishing the hike. It was a true test of endurance and as in life we are mostly tested alone.
We could choose to endure the pain in a group. It makes it easier. So I joined team Feftes. That age when you know you have been there but are yet to fully admit that those aching and creaking joints won’t go away. You can only learn how to manage the pain. Group endurance makes it easier. That’s why hiking is so much easier in a group. Think of group therapy.
We accomplished the hike in 5 hours. It was about 18kms. The longest we have done yet. Next time you travel to Kwale Law Courts mark the point at Kombani Junction then visualise and empathise at our self inflicted pain and suffering all the way up to Kwale Courts. It’s quite a tasking drive even to a car sembuse a virtual behind the desk Teams Court room Lawyers.
This was meant to simulate our daily hiking conditions on Mt Kenya which will be shorter but still test our endurance, due to altitude.
We had the best break out at Twiga Camping site. The best so far. It made up for the gruelling experience.
This coming Saturday 18th and 19th Sept 2021 we shall be at Vuria Hill a 6kms hike with an altitude gain of about 400 meters. We will hike up to 2200 meters above sea level. The highest Real Estate at the Coast. The estimated time for team Feftes is about 3 hours up and 2 hours down, total 5 hours.
This Prep Hike No. 5 is meant to simulate our Summit Day when to quote our guide Patrick Mirash
” We will be recreating Mt Kenya summit conditions where from Shipton camp at 4,200 meters above sea level to point Lenana @ 4,985 MASL is a 785 Meters altitude gain.
While the distance is only 1.5Kms.”
This is one of the goals of our Mt Kenya Hike Challenge from 12th to 18th December, 2021.
The main goal is to get there and enjoy a 7 day hike.
Its a 7 day hike to assist Wapwani acclimatise with the thin mountain air. This gives us the best chance of summiting rather than a 4 days hike.
The cost is about 47K payable pole pole. I am yet to finish my obligations. In the meantime I am kiting out and assembling my gear pole pole. You will be surprised to know that you can do this hike at a budget aka Soko Ndogo prices. You can also get high end gear to keep for future generations at bargain prices at Decathlon in Nairobi among other online shops.
We have an active whatsapp group that you will find most useful as we prepare.
Is it too late to join the Mt Kenya Hike? Nope, just get in touch with Janet Ajwang or Amos or Esther or Eva or Muchiri or Mcweasly or Deche or Muthoni Gatere or myself. We are quite a mixed age group set.